Ninja Influence vs. Grin

Looking for an alternative to Grin?

We want to make the decision as easy as possible, so we've put together some info that'll help you decide which option is best for you.

Below, you'll find information to help you compare Ninja Influence and Grin, including features, customer experiences, and pricing.

We hope this helps!

NinjaOutreach Grin
Number of influencers in the database 100M 65M
Starting price $5,000/year $20,000/year
Data export
Instagram search
YouTube search
TikTok search
Hashtag search
Engagement rate data
Contact info of the influencers
Instagram feed preview
Gender filter
Shopify integration
WooCommerce integration
Magento integration In development
Content and influencer performance metrics
Payment system In development
Campaign performance tracking (ROI and other KPIs)
Dashboard for influencers
Coupon creating
Outlook integration
Inbox view
Campaign reporting
Campaign Management
Built-in CRM
Various campaigns at once
Notes feature
Sample sending system

The Ninja Influence database is nearly twice as large.

Ninja Influence is powered by data - with a database of over 100,000,000 influencers on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, it is by far the most comprehensive database on the web.

Our filtering options help you find influencers with the right audience, size, engagement rate, location, and budget, all in a few clicks.

Your data will continually improve through proprietary technology in machine learning, natural language processing, pattern and face recognition, reverse geocoding, and real-time big data analytics.

Instagram Search

Ninja Influence offers competitive pricing.

In general, our pricing is less than half the cost of most competitors. However, it is 4 times less than Grin (their pricing starts at $20,000/year).

Ninja Influence starts at $5K/year.

Ninja Influence provides reliable first-class support.

If you have any doubts or questions, you can always feel free to reach out to us. We bring a personal touch to every interaction, and we are very responsive!

Our team will be more than happy to help you make the most of your time with Ninja Influence and answer all your questions. We go all out to make ourselves available!

You can schedule an individual training session with one of our customer success team members to go through the whole process together and see how you can use the Ninja Influence platform for your projects.


Ninja Influence is more agile.

Customers are always surprised at how fast development takes place in Ninja Influence. Our customers can enjoy new features shortly after they have suggested or requested them.

At Ninja Influence, we can give your feedback the priority it deserves and sometimes fast track changes. We'll give you our best estimate for when we think it could be ready.


Bottom line

Where Grin falls short, Ninja Influence delivers a rich data engine with over 100,000,000 influencers on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. It is by far the most comprehensive database on the web.

Grin's price point may also not be ideal for everyone. In fact, Grin's at least 4 times more expensive than Ninja Influence.

But is it worth it? There can be reasons to choose Grin, as there are reasons for going with Ninja Influence.