shared content

How To Find the Most Shared Content With NinjaOutreach

Looking to find the most shared content on the web by topic to inform your content marketing strategy?

We have you covered. Keep reading…

How To Find Most Shared Content With NinjaOutreach

Go to Search > Websites and Blogs tab.

Run a search for your topic, for example, “tech”

NinjaOutreach Website and Blog search

Next, click the Filter button, at the lower right of the search bar.

NinjaOutreach Filter

Set your required number of shares per post on the “Shares per post” bar below.

So if you’re looking for content with at least 10k shares, put that in the bar.

This will narrow down your search results and show only the leads that fit your criteria.

NinjaOutreach filter by shares

Note: This video is outdated but you can still use it as a reference as some functions are still similar.

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David Schneider

Dave is an author at Ninja Outreach and has a passion for digital marketing and travel. You can find him at @ninjaoutreach and [email protected]